Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography for Various Vascular Problems

Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography for Various Vascular Problems

Diagnostic cerebral angiography is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to evaluate and diagnose problems with the blood vessels in the brain. It is done by inserting a thin, flexible catheter through an artery and guiding it to a specific brain area. This procedure identifies and assesses vascular stenosis, occlusions, aneurysms, vascular tumors, or any other issues affecting blood flow to the brain.

Benefit from advanced cerebral angiography techniques in Iraq, without the need to travel abroad!
Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology and Neurointervention in Karbala proudly presents the latest technologies in diagnosing cerebrovascular diseases. We are the first center in Iraq to provide the most advanced integrated cerebral angiography unit with high precision and efficiency, allowing for accurate vascular assessment, diagnosis of vascular problems such as occlusion and stenosis, and an effective treatment plan based on the results.

Advantages of Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology and Neurointervention:
A specialized medical team with extensive experience performs these precise interventions safely and effectively.
Provision of an interventional angiography unit equipped with the latest angiography system in the world, offering the most advanced imaging technologies to ensure accurate diagnosis. It incorporates the ability to perform general anesthesia and vascular imaging without contrast media, especially for patients with renal impairment. The system also has several other features, including:
- Reduced radiation exposure for the patient and the specialized staff during the procedure.
- Artificial intelligence features for diagnosis and treatment.
- CBCT capabilities for multi-phase patient imaging, which aids in diagnosis and treatment.
- A safe, comfortable, and supportive environment for each patient.

What are the capabilities of diagnostic cerebral angiography?
Diagnostic cerebral angiography for various vascular problems provides an accurate assessment of the condition and effective diagnosis. Here are some of the capabilities of diagnostic cerebral angiography:
1. Identify the location and severity of blockages in the cerebral arteries, which helps determine the impact of the narrowing on blood flow to the brain and provides accurate diagnostic information.
2. Evaluate the condition of blood vessels, such as dilation or occlusion, and determine the size and severity of vascular tumors and malformations.
3. Determine how blood flows to specific brain regions, which is crucial for identifying the appropriate treatment.
4. Guide interventional treatment, such as balloon angioplasty or stent placement to open the artery and improve blood flow, or embolization with embolic agents or coils.
5. Analyze the angiography information to determine the patient's prognosis and identify appropriate treatment plans.
Why is diagnostic cerebral angiography performed for various vascular problems?
Diagnostic cerebral angiography evaluates and diagnoses vascular problems in the brain and determines the appropriate treatment. This procedure may be performed for reasons that include, but are not limited to:
1. Stroke diagnosis: cerebral angiography determines the cause of a stroke and identifies the affected arteries. The catheter is inserted into the affected artery to image the blood vessels and locate the site of the blockage or constriction.
2. Brain tumor evaluation: cerebral angiography can determine the type and size of brain tumors and evaluate their vascular characteristics to assess the feasibility of interventional treatment to limit their growth.
3. Evaluation of vascular dilatation: cerebral angiography can assess dilated cranial blood vessels, and determine their size, shape, and location. Additional surgical or interventional procedures may be performed to treat the discovered dilatation.
4. Evaluation of cerebral artery stenosis: cerebral angiography can assess the degree of narrowing in the brain's arteries and determine the appropriate treatment. Treatment may involve dilating the arteries using balloon angioplasty or placing stents to improve blood flow.
5. Evaluation of cerebral arteriovenous malformations: Angiography is used to evaluate vascular malformations that may cause health problems.
6. Evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage: cerebral angiography can identify the location, source, and cause of bleeding in the brain, and assess its volume and extent. This information can help guide appropriate therapeutic steps.
7. Assist in the diagnosis of the cause of some symptoms, such as:
• Severe headache
• Slurred speech
• Dizziness
• Blurred or double vision
• Weakness or numbness
• Loss of coordination or balance
A specialized medical team performs cerebral angiography, which requires appropriate safety precautions. Imaging of the cerebral vasculature typically takes one to three hours to complete. Angiography preparation and post-procedure care may need additional time.

How is diagnostic cerebral angiography performed for various vascular problems?
The diagnostic cerebral angiography procedure requires multiple steps and a specialized medical team. Here is an overview of how cerebral angiography is performed to diagnose vascular problems:
1. Preparation: a detailed evaluation of the patient's condition is conducted, and the need for cerebral angiography is assessed. Preliminary tests, such as CT scans, are performed to obtain detailed images of the blood vessels in the brain to help identify the location of the vascular problem.
2. Local anesthesia: the patient may be required to fast for several hours before the procedure. The patient is given local anesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort during the procedure. In some cases, the patient may be put under general anesthesia, especially if the patient is a child.
3. Catheter insertion: a thin, flexible catheter is inserted through the femoral artery.
4. Guiding the catheter: the catheter is carefully guided using real-time imaging techniques, such as X-rays, as it is navigated through the blood vessels until it reaches the target area in the brain.
5. Diagnosis and assessment: once the catheter reaches the targeted area, the appropriate diagnostic procedures are performed. Several diagnostic procedures can be carried out during the catheterization, such as angiography using X-rays, injecting a contrast agent to obtain detailed images, or measuring blood pressure within the vessels.
6. Information analysis: the medical team analyzes the information obtained from the catheterization to determine the degree of arterial narrowing or any abnormalities, and to assess the patient's need for treatment.
7. Interventional treatment: sometimes, interventional treatment procedures can be performed during the same session. Small tools such as balloons can expand narrowed arteries, stents can support and enhance blood flow, or coils can block the blood supply to that area.
8. Catheter removal: upon completion, the interventional radiologist will remove the catheter and apply pressure to the femoral artery for a certain period to prevent blood from accumulating in the surrounding tissues. A closure device may seal the small incision in the artery. The nurse then covers the small skin opening with a dressing.
9. Monitoring and follow-up: after the catheterization, the patient is monitored for a short time to ensure there are no problems, and the patient may get some instructions regarding post-procedure care.

In conclusion, this journey into the world of diagnostic cerebral catheterization has shown us how this technique has become a turning point in healthcare, opening a new horizon in understanding and treating vascular problems in the brain. Its ability to provide accurate imaging and precise diagnosis represents a vital step toward the future of caring for patients with cerebrovascular issues. Thanks to its advanced techniques and specialized medical team, we can now map out accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment plans. Cerebral catheterization offers new hope and healing opportunities, a step forward in medicine and healthcare.